Sound legal counsel and representation for all your business law and estate planning law needs.
Multiple Types of Law
We handle whatever legal issues you have. We do Commercial Law & Litigation, Business Law, Elder Law & Medicaid, and Estate Planning.
Clear Communication
We’ll ensure you get sound legal counsel, responsive service, concise communication, and be as efficient in our representation as possible.
We Stick With You
Law is complex and can feel overwhelming. We’ll be your trusted partner so any time you have a legal question, you think of us.
Meet Your Attorneys.
We love improving the lives of our clients through excellent legal counsel.
Encountering a legal issue beyond your capacity can feel daunting. We know how much you care about your business running smoothly, so we do, too. We put ourselves in your shoes and get right to the heart of your legal issue.
At Bonahoom & Bobilya, our team of highly-experienced lawyers will work tirelessly at developing a robust plan of action and communicate it to you with clarity and responsiveness.
We look forward to the opportunity to get to know you. To learn a little more about us, please meet our team!
Our Practice Areas
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Not sure where to start?
Give us a call or schedule an appointment and we’ll talk through your specific situation.
From Our Clients
"It's not failure if you fail at doing something you're not supposed to do. It's success. Because with each success, and with each so-called failure, you're getting a clearer sense of your calling."
John Mark Comer
Pastor for Teaching and Vision, Bridgetown Church
Contact Us Today.
1) Tell us about your legal issue.
2) We’ll develop your plan for success.
3) We’ll put your plan into action.
Life With Sound Legal Counsel.
Life Without Sound Legal Counsel.
Legal Resources
”As a business owner in the creative field, I need sound and trustworthy legal counsel. I found that at Bonahoom & Bobilya. Dan guided every step of the way when I needed new service contracts for our customers.
I went from being fearful to having peace of mind!
Justin SheehanBusiness Owner